Time: 25.03.2012
Author: naurogti
Does adderall make your feces black
What Causes Your Feces to Turn Dark Green? | eHow.com
Diet and intestinal health, among other things, can lead to a bowel movement containing green feces. Do not be concerned about green feces unless it happens regularly.
Green, Black, or Tarry Stools: What Does It Mean? on MedicineNet.com
Stool (feces) is most commonly brown in color, and many people become curious or. Depending on the concentration of bilirubin, bile can vary from almost black to.
Green stool - MayoClinic.com - Mayo Clinic
Green stool — when your feces look green — is usually caused by something you ate. Food dyes and green vegetables, such as spinach, are common causes of green stool.
Bloody or tarry stools - University of Maryland Medical Center | Home
Your doctor may use the term "melena" to describe black, tarry, and foul-smelling stools or. To make a diagnosis, your doctor may use endoscopy or special x-ray.
Green Poop Causes and Treatment
So, if you have been eating a lot of green or leafy vegetables or taking iron supplements you may already know what’s causing your green feces.
Adderall Vs. Ritalin Side Effects | eHow.com
Adderall Vs. Ritalin Side Effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and. Other less common side effects include fever, chest pain, rash, black stools, blood.
The Colors of Your Poop and What It Means - Crohn's Disease Blog
Iron supplements can also make your poop green. I don’t worry about this color of. Dark black or tarry-looking stool usually means that there is dried blood in your.
Explaining Bleeding in the Rectum - Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Diverticulitis might make a person very sick and cause abdominal pain. In rare. Causes of Red or Black Colored Stools; Hematochezia - Colon Cancer and Hematochezia
Why does coffee make me poop - WhyCenter.com: It's important to.
Coffee is known to be a very good laxative. However, why does coffee make you poop? What are its other effects on the body?
What if your poop is black - The Q&A wiki
What if your poop is black?. of medicines such as pepto bismol, which has been known to discolor feces.
Does adderall make your feces black Green stool - MayoClinic.com - Mayo Clinic
Green stool - MayoClinic.com - Mayo Clinic What does the color of your feces mean? more info inside.? - Yahoo. What does it mean when you throw up blood? What Does Black Vomit Mean? - Blurtit - Ask Questions, Get Free. Dark Colored Brown Urine | Cloudy Urine Causes, Symptoms | Home. Why does coffee make me poop - WhyCenter.com: It's important to. .